
I had a bit of fun this weekend as I’m working out some web things for a friend, and I rediscovered my love of the WordPress Twenty Seventeen theme and so move SuttonsNest into that. It was a lot of fun. The main site is back in the Who, What, Where, When, Why format and I’ve got pages now that aren’t part of that format that live on a nav menu. The social links are at the bottom and I just really like the way things are looking.

It sucks a little that the parallax image features of Twenty Seventeen don’t work on iOS. That’s a bit of a drag, but what can you do? I guess you have to take the bad with the good.

In any event, what started this adventure this weekend began with my effort to delve more deeply into SEO. And that’s a deep, deep well to jump into. There are mountains of things to learn about with this, and it’s all fun and stuff like that, there is just a lot to learn. And it’s going to be a process, for sure. SEO isn’t simply a one and done thing. It’s an on going process that’s going to require some regular maintenance.

For now, behold the freshly re-worked Twenty Seventeen theme.